Five Hospitality Sursees for the last few days before Christmas
It is the final count down around here and life is in high gear. I wanted to share with you some Sursees for the last few days before Christmas that have made my life richer.
An easy, beautiful salad.
Used this salad last night for the Birthday Celebration we had for Craig's mom. It is one of my go-tos for a party because it is easy and yummy. And you can make it for a big, big crowd. See the recipe here...
Label your dishes and gather your serving spoons.
A hospitality trick I use is getting all my serving dishes out the day before and thinking through where all the dishes I have prepared will land. I put little post it notes or paper in each serving dish to label. At one of my recent parties I was so glad I labeled the appetizer dishes because I would have forgotten what I was going to put in that dish. OLIVES!I also do a search and find all my spoons, tongs, servers because I know those last few minutes before guests arrive is Cray-Cray and I might not have time to find them...Be Prepared.
Let go of something. This is easy, yet hard. I am practicing letting go left and right to simplify these days. Buy something for Christmas Morning breakfast. I love the yummy coffee cake that Corner Bakery sells. Serve waffles and bacon for Christmas Eve or order Chinese take-out. Or pizza. Stop thinking you have to do everything, every year. Pick the thing or two that means something and let the rest go. Embrace the quiet moments. Sit down and listen. Be.
Frasier Fir candle
Put this in your stocking. I love this candle. Frasier Fir by Thyme. Get one now. The best smell evah and it makes me go to a happy place when it is burning. You need one. I am on my second one this season. Ask for it for your stocking.
Spend time in the Word of God. Try to find time in the first part of your day to soak in the Word. This morning when I was reading in my Chronological Bible, I was reminded that:
the Word of God is living and active. Sharper that any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
By doing this first thing in the morning, you set the tone for your whole day. It says right there that His word will penetrate my soul and help me with my crazy thinking- the Word is living and ACTIVE. Thank you, Lord. That truth is a SURSEE for my Christmas and yours.
What are some of your Christmas Sursees that help in these days before Christmas? Do Tell.