Looking for Surprises on Vacation- Israel
Here are some more SURSEES from Israel. Thought you might like to see some more of the beauty and fun of this country.
Mint Lemonade
One day for lunch we had this SURSEE. It was so refreshing and it is easy for you to make for Summer. I watched the guy make it in the restaurant where we ate in Old Jerusalem. Basically it is frozen concentrate lemonade with a handful of mint tossed in and then blended up. We have a frozen slushy machine which makes it all frozen and thick, but I think you could make it that texture in the blender by adding ice instead of the 4 1/2 cups of water. Then you could have this drink and lift your glass-Cheers and L'Chaim!
Garden of Gethsemane Olive Trees
Loved seeing the garden where Jesus prayed. Especially loved the gnarly bark of these ancient olive trees.
Salad for Breakfast
Fresh fruit sursee
Our hotels all over Israel had an amazing spread for the Breakfast Buffet. One thing that I really liked was having Salad for breakfast. Who says you can't do that? It just felt fresh and light and lovely. They also had big bowls of fresh fruit each morning and I loved, loved the two kinds of grapefruit.Look at the beautiful fruit and the loverly serving bowls. This leads me to the next SURSEE-
The Beauty of the Armenian Pottery
The pottery in Israel was beautiful and everywhere. Multi-colored, happy, full of life. I loved how the hotels where we stayed used bowls like this, and it made me want to use beautiful serving bowls when I got back to Texas. Use my best. I am worth it and so are you when you come over.
Synagogue in Gamla in the area north of the Sea of Galilee
The reason I include this photo is that it was the ruins of a synagogue from the time of Jesus. Our pastor taught one of our daily lessons here, and it was so wonderful to think that Jesus maybe taught here when he travelled in this area. Most things from his day are buried under so much history and ruins, but this synagogue was not. A great SURSEE to see.
Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. Mark 9:35
What SURSEES are you seeing in your travels or everyday? Do tell.