Sursee Gal in Italy :: Cappuccino Love
Let's get one thing straight right now, the Italians love their coffee...espresso, cappuccino, caffe, you name it. They take breaks and drink coffee in the middle of the afternoon. And it is an art form, this coffee thing. One of my favorite memories is of the mom, the grandma and the bambina getting their afternoon cappuccino. The mom kept feeding the baby in the stroller little spoonfuls of the frothy cream from her cup. That sweet baby licked the foamy goodness off her upper lip with determination; training starts early!I love cappuccinos and was ordering them left and right at the B&Bs we stayed in or at a sidewalk cafe when Craig ordered an espresso.
Loved the chocolate sprinkles!
An especially welcome cuppa because it was cold and rainy outside.At one of our B&Bs I learned the secret of the milk frother and made this little beauty myself. More on a later Sursee Gal about the fun and workings of the Milk Frother.
Even at the simplest little albergo or B&B they would offer a cappuccino, so I took them up on the offer. Here are a few that I
sucked down sampled while in Italy.Gorgeousness!! This was by far the most artistic one I received.
This one had Lots of FROTH- lasted all the way to last drop. On our last two nights, we stayed at a mod Italian hotel right by the train station with our friends. It was so awesome to walk out of the train station and right up to our lodging. This place had a fancy cappuccino machine that allowed me to push a button and make my last cups of yumminess.
Loved watching it perform its beauty and add the little shot of espresso, right at the very.very.end.
More to come on the Moka pot we bought and the things we learned about creama and tamping and frothing, demi spoons and the art of coffee. Sursees! for you. Ciao!