Sursee Gal

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Two Ways to Finish One Thing Today

One of my new goals is to finish one thing each day.  

Finish one thing today.

But what do I mean by finishing one thing each day?  I mean this- find something on your to-do list that is eating a hole in your brain and try to finish it.  

Let me give you an example.

I feel a dull dread when I think about housework.  So many things calling my name.  The dirty frig shelf, the clothes that need to be folded, the toilet that needs to be swabbed, the crumbs that need sweeping.

Or maybe it is the letter that needs to be written, the errand that needs to be run, the call that needs to be made and on and on. 

You have these, too; I know you do.  They run endless cycles in our hamster wheel brains, over and over they turn, growing and growing until you think your head will explode.

Might I suggest two ways that will help you bring that wheel to a screeching halt?

Just Do it.

I try to pick one thing from my list and just do it. Nike had something right.

There is such joy when I finish one thing. Back in June I had this big project that has been riding with me because I didn't think I had enough time to finish it, so I never sat down and even worked on it.

But, when the calendar turned to January, I thought I am going to sit down and finish it.

Do you know what? I sat down, and I finished it.

And it only took me about an hour.

Seriously. Or should I say seriously?

I had been procrastinating this project since JUNE! Argh. Now I am almost done. Whoo- HOOO! Just Do it and finish one thing today.

Time it.  

This helps with the recurring tasks which we all have. I sometimes time how long it really takes me to fold the clothes and put them away. 

Or swish out the potty. Or sweep up the crumbs.

I am always surprised by how little time it takes.  I had built it up and up in my brain until it was an insurmountable task that would take weeks to complete, only to find I was done and on my way in under five minutes. 

What?  That hamster had given me a pretty good workout, and now I was putting him away. The wheel is silent. The hamster gone.

So time it. See how long it takes and finish one thing today.

Share with me what you are going to tackle today. I want to hear and cheer you on, Sursee Gals.

Just Do it or Time it. And Finish one thing today. Yay!