My Little Scripture Journal

  ScriptureJournalI received a message from a reader asking me what verses do I put in my Scripture Journal that I mentioned on the God Centered Mom Podcast.  Specifically, she asked for verses that help battle negative self-talk.So let's go backwards.  My Scripture Journal or I might have called it notebook, is something I started using to hold all the verses I wanted to remember.  These  are verses that I wanted to memorize or verses that spoke to me.  You know ones  that really minister and give life, but sometimes you can't remember exactly where they are in the Bible. I now write those verses down in this little journal.  It can be any little journal that you have lying around.  I know you have one:  you received it as a gift or saw it in Target and bought it and you are saving it because it is too cute to use.Well, I have the use for it, gal.  No more saving.  That little Surseee of a Journal can become your truth fighter; your reminder of who you are in Jesus. Your little go-to when the day starts and you are slow. and can't figure . out. What to read?Do you ever feel like that?I do.   I am too tired, too sad, too whatever to even figure out where to read in the Bible, so I grab my Scripture Journal and voila! It is all there.  It is not great quotes or worldly wisdom, although I do have files for great quotes. ( You knew I did, right?)The Scripture Journal is my little go-to for those mornings I described above and let me tell you, it works.  God's word does not return void when I read it, and as I go through the verses,  I am encouraged, given life.Reminded of who I am in Christ and my identity as a daughter of the King.  I'm forgiven. Free. Loved.  Bought with a price.I am also reminded of what I need to think on--Things that are good and right and beautiful.I also am encouraged about God's faithfulness.  But I stray.The Scripture Journal is for you to fill in.  I can't tell you what to put in yours...  What speaks to you right now?  What is the Holy Spirit trying to tell You?  What have you been learning or moved by when you read the Bible.  Those verses are what goes in Your journal.A Scripture Journal is also a great gift/SURSEE for a graduate or a new mom.  You could write a few of your favorite verses in there to start them off.  How lovely is that? Your handwriting and your verses.Hope this idea of a place to save verses helps you.  Hope it helps you get in the Word in an active way. Tomorrow I will talk about some verses that help me to specifically battle that negative self-talk.Do you have a favorite verse you would include in your journal?  Do tell.XO 


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