Sursee Gal's Tips for Homeschooling :: You Have to Be Home to Homeschool.

You know  I love mantras.  This is one of my favs for you if you are thinking of homeschooling, but it also applies to being a mom with no regrets.

You Have to Be Home To Homeschool.

Spring beauty

Spring beauty

It sounds ridiculous I am sure, but it was one of those mantras I used to repeat to myself as I looked at my schedule.I really do have to be home and  I can't:Run errands.Meet for coffee.Volunteer.Fill in the blank __________________________.There are seasons to life and homeschooling.  As my kids got bigger, I was able to get out and do more.  But in the beginning, it was better for me to be home and homeschool.  Reading.  Sitting outside with the boys.  Slowing down.  Not worrying about what everyone else was doing. Joining. Signing up for.I think this also applies to you moms who don't homeschool.  We can get ourselves so busy, but now looking back, I am so thankful that I slowed down.  Spent time at home.  Enjoyed my boys by really being with them.The time goes by so fast even though it doesn't seem like it to you right now as you are juggling babies, toddlers, homework, errands, cooking, cleaning, maybe even some of you working outside the home! Yikes!So today,  Sursee Gal says enjoy the SURSEE of staying home all day.  Woo-Hoo!  Let me know how it goes...


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