What Every Guest Room Needs

Went to stay with my sister a few weeks ago and have to share all the little SURSEES she put in her guest room. I always get great ideas when I visit her.You will be inspired, as I was, to add beauty, comfort, a Sursee, a book...  Check it out. 

A lovely dish to keep my jewelry safe when I took it off at night.

Look at this fun idea for the bathroom~ a container~ awesomely cute of course, where you store toiletries that your guest may have forgotten or didn't even know they needed.  Notice she used little sample sizes and things she might have gotten at a hotel...what do you do with your samples?

Two fun books on the nightstand.  She always is giving me books.
Here was The Bear's SURSEE- nuts and candy for our trip.

Even K got a SURSEE.  

He loved his bed which was stuffed with pillows and had a big comfy, cozy comforter on it. AHHH...
I love how she used different shades for the pillow cases.  Then The Bear and I knew which one was ours. No confusion over pillows. Do you see the wall behind the bed?  She painted this detailed mural of a Colorado nature scene. Amazing. Wish I had taken a pic for you.
A really 'tres cool mirror so I could don fresh lipstick in the room 'ala Nancy Drew.
Oh, here you can see more of the mural. She is one talented gal.  Did I tell you she is a doctor?  She carries all this creativity and thoughtfulness into her practice.  She took me on a tour of her office which was full of art and beauty and loverly touches.  Really life-giving.
 I was so inspired by how she appointed her guest room. You felt so loved staying there.  I will have to write later about how she always has something yummy to eat when you get to her house.  She made a delish appetizer out of puff pastry that I will share soon.
Can't wait to use some of her ideas in my Cottage Bedroom, which is my guest bedroom.  ( I kinda like to name my rooms.)
 I need to explore my Creative Room with you soon.
Go put some beauty into your guest room or jazz up the kids' room with some of these ideas when a guest comes. That is what I used to do before I had the luxury of having the Cottage Bedroom.  Adding these touches is a simple way to love.  That is what my sister taught me.
One other thing I learned: 
My sister is really the Queen of Sursees and I, The Duchess.

Three Words We All Like to Hear :: Sit By Me!


How to Cut Brownies Without Ruining Them